Monday, October 8, 2012

Arnold Schwarzenegger Plastic Surgery Before and After

Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Jaw: Literally Chiseled?

Arnold's "wider" jaw
Doesn't look that much different to me.
Action movie hero. Seven Time Mr. Olympia. Governor Of California. Plastic Surgery patient? No one can deny the career and awesome legacy of goal accomplishment that Arnold Schwarzenegger  will leave behind, but will people be checking his skull bones for signs of a mentoplasty (surgical chin alteration, nothing to do with the candy. I know, I was upset too) ? The Terminator star has never admitted to having work done, but a lot of people like to point out how his chin and jawline looked more thin in his acting hey day than they did during his years as a bodybuilder. On the opposite end, many feel he had zero work done and that he just aged well. Personally, I think it’s aging combined with him losing weight to appear less cartoonish-ly big on screen. I also have to point to the fact that his body, including his face, was carrying zero fat during his acting career, making him look more chiseled. The Austrian Oak isn’t talking, so we may never know, but one thing is for sure, he killed Predator, and  that puts him above suspicion in my book.
A fun look at Arnold Schwarzenegger's jaw after plastic surgery