Thursday, September 27, 2012

Amanda Holden Get Botox Before and After Plastic Surgery

Amanda Holden, Got Talent, Got Botox

Amanda Holden the former winner of Britain’s Got Talent competition has recently admitted to having botox injections on her forehead and on the top of her nose. She said that whenever her make up artist did her up, he would have to cake the creases on her forehead and around her eyes and she hated seeing that. She gets her botox injections in South Africa.
She further added that having botox is similar to getting your roots done and that if you don’t go insanely over the top then you will be fine. Anyway she looks beautiful enough, “holden” together well for just turning 40, its even hard to tell that she has had botox in the pictures perhaps a little brow inflexibility. We believe some fillers and lazer wrinkles are in use as well.
She idolizes Joan Rivers and she says she would like to grow old just like her, gracefully and still look stunning in the process.