Thursday, September 20, 2012

Al Pacino Facelift Plastic Surgery Before and After

Somewhere between The Godfather Part 3 and now, Al Pacino has done two things almost for certain. One, he has played the same character in every movie (“Guffaw! I’m so gruff and angry, and my voice RANDOMLY GETS LOUDER!” sweet impression right?), and two, he has had plastic surgery. In an effort to look like a younger person who has no control over their voice’s pitch, the Academy Award winner has reportedly had a lot of work done. He has had a brow lift, face lift, and a blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery). As you can see in the pics, people tend not to look younger as they get older, doesn’t matter how many times you say “Who-ah”.

A young Al Pacino. A look long lost.
The pulled back and stretched look.