Thursday, September 27, 2012

Ally Walker Nose Jobs Before and After Plastic Surgery

Ally Walker’s career has come a long way since playing Jean-Claude Van Damme’s damsel in distress in Universal Soldier, and apparently, so has her nose. The actress, who went on to star in movies like While You Were Sleeping and Singles before finding a home on television as the star of The Profiler (Get the title now?), is once again in the spotlight as the star of The Protector, and looks great for her age. However, during a recent stint on Sons Of Anarchy, it was hard not to notice that her nose seemed to look remarkably different than it did in the past. Her once small and button-ish nose, now looks longer and more pointy at the tip (also slightly crooked at times), clear signs that she most likely got a nose job (rhinoplasty), and maybe a somewhat botched one at that. Some suspect that she’s also had a face lift, but her thinned out bone structure is probably just age and lighting, and not a surgeons work. There’s nothing really wrong with a woman her age having some work done to stay fresh for the camera, but looking at the slant in her nose, she probably should have had better work done.