Sunday, February 10, 2013

Donatella Versace Plastic Surgery Before and After Facelift and Lips

Donatella Versace: Fashion Queen of Bad Plastic Surgery

Donatella Versace probably isn’t as renowned a fashion designer as her late brother Gianni, but she’s certainly had far more plastic surgery than he ever did. Donatella is one of those not-as-rare-as-we-wish-they-were kind of people that go flat out overboard with their surgeries. Trying to stave off the effects of age and a naturally homely appearance (she used to look like the lady that ran my local pizza shop), she has had multiple facelifts to the point where her skin looks way too tight, and way too stretched.
She looks kind of like when you put a picture of silly putty and then pull it apart, except it’s not funny because she’s a real person, so it’s just terrifying. She also had either some substance injected in her lips, or had permanent implants, because they look so swollen that she appears to be wearing those wax lip things I used to get when I’d go trick or treating (ask yourself: Did you try to eat them? I know I did). Basically, without putting out that much more negative energy, she is what happens when plastic surgery goes wrong, plain and simple.

Has Donatella Versace Had Surgical Enhancements?
Donatella Versace is a famous Italian designer who has received a lot of attention with her frozen in time appearance.
She has been the center of many tabloids with celebrity plastic surgery before and after pictures of surgeries gone bad. This Italian superstar may have an eye for fashion, but something is definitely going on with her face.
Has Donatella Versace had plastic surgery (or rather what has she had?)

Though she has never answered any of the comments regarding her possible plastic surgery, her fans are certain that there have been major alterations.

Donatella was born May 5, 1955. Basing her center around the fashion industry, Donatella was only married once, but it ended in divorce. She has two children with ex-husband Paul and is also one of four children herself.

Donatella is a fashion mogul of a world renowned Versace group. While she is the face that is most recognize with the Versace brand, she only owns twenty percent of the company. Her daughter, Allegra, owns the largest portion at fifty percent and a brother the remaining thirty percent.

Donatella's case is another case in which the real thing would have undeniably been better. Donatella has undergone so many cosmetic surgeries she is barely recognizable! Besides her awful tan, platinum blond hair, large wide cheek implants and oddly shaped lips, it’s her chest that undoubtedly gets the epic fail.

Her breasts are plump, round, hard and look utterly ridiculous with the rest of her sagging body parts. There comes a time you just have to accept gravity has taken over and be happy with what you’ve got. Getting boobs meant for a 20 year old will just make it worse.

Unfortunately, Donatella got overboard with her surgeries. Trying to delay the effects of age and improve her ordinary look, she has had multiple facelifts to the point where her skin seems way too tight and way too stretched. It won't be an exaggeration to claim that Donatella looks terrifying.

It is more than obvious that Donatella had either some substance injected in her lips or had permanent implants.

To conclude, Donatella is what happens when plastic surgery goes wrong. Too sad that she has spent a fortune to look like this...

What do you think of Donatella Versace before plastic surgery?