Pics don't lie
How can one’s nose make or break a career? According to some, singer Amerie had a nose job performed shortly after the release of her first album, 2002’s “All I Have.” The singer, who is half Korean, half African American,
previously had a nose that was reflective of her double ancestry, pudgy
at the tip. To provide definition to her nose, Amerie went under the
knife to have a plastic surgeon
give projection to her nose bridge and add a pinch to the tip of her
nose. Once again, an example of a person of color believing there is
something “wrong” with them because the celeb has a “big nose.” You
should have been proud of that big honker, girl. Obviously, a new nose
has done very little for her career. She has not had a release since
getting a new nose. Since when does a nose job improve your singing career? Amerie has a lot of talent. If she needed help improving her music, she should have started with a new producer or a voice coach.