Alyssa Milano Before and After Plastic Surgery
Ever since she first captured our hearts on Who’s The Boss, we’ve all wondered when Alyssa Milano was gonna get plastic surgery. Ok, no one wondered that…but these days they wonder if she has. In addition to persistent rumors that she had breast augmentation surgery
years ago (as well as recent rumors that she had her implants
removed…quitter), recently it has looked an awful lot like she’s had
work done to her face. Her wider eyes lead many to believe that the
former Charmed star, had a brow lift. Personally, I agree, and think she
looked better before, but still looks great. Check the pics folks, be
the judges, be the boss! Get it, cuz of the name of the show she was on…shut up, you do better…ok don’t, I need this gig.
Alyssa Milano Before Breast Implants